Hotel Maregolf Offers

Stay and save 2024

Longer stay, more save!

Stay and save offers in B&B

  • 20% discount for booking from 10 nights in the period from 08.09 to 22.09 (out)
  • 20% discount for booking from 7 nights in the period from 08.09 to 22.09 (out)
  • 20% discount for booking from 5 nights in the period from 08.09 to 22.09 (out)
  • 10% discount for booking from 3 nights in the period from 08.09 to 22.09 (out)

Offers subject to hotel conditions and availability.

Stay&Save offers may not be available for all room types.

Stay and save 2024
Stay and save 2024

Lots of fun and relaxation for the whole family, request a quote now!